Why Give?

We need your support.

As an independent school, we rely on our community to keep us thriving. We hope that families and alumni of Bement are inspired to give back to the school that taught them to ski, swim, sing, and soar—ensuring that we can educate children for generations to come. And we invite current parents to make their children’s school a philanthropic priority right now, funding the people and programs they value.

Unlike public schools, which receive state or national funds, Bement depends solely on tuition income and Annual Fund donations to provide for our student programs.  Annual Fund dollars are used in every area of each student's experience at Bement, including:

  • faculty growth and development
  • exceptional academic learning
  • arts, music, and drama
  • physical education and athletics
  • healthy snacks and meals
  • field trips
  • mini-term

Although we know that families and alumni are asked to give to many causes and even different schools, the foundation students receive at Bement is central to their further success. It is for this reason that we hope Bement will be at the forefront of our community's philanthropic priorities. Every gift counts, and we ask parents, alumni, grandparents, and faculty to adopt a tradition of giving so we can keep Bement strong. There are multiple opportunities to help Bement, including giving to the Annual Fund, the endowment, and capital funds for Pine Hill at Bement, the boarding program, and other campus improvement projects. Volunteering is another way to help—serving as an Annual Fund ambassador, a Parent Association representative or as a volunteer for the Alumni Association. To learn more, please contact Sara Becton Ardrey, Director of Alumni and Development, at: sardrey@bement.org or 413-774-3021.

How to Give

We accept cash, check, credit card, matching gifts, bequests, and gifts of securities.

You may make your gift OnLine

Checks may be made out and mailed to:
The Bement School
PO Box 8
Deerfield, MA 01342
Please make a note of the fund with your donation.

Procedures for Gifts of Securities

For questions contact:
Sara Ardrey, Director of Alumni and Development


The Bement Bulletin