
Our music program includes band, string orchestra, and chorus. The Bement band program consists of four different groups: fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, and a combined seventh-eighth-ninth grade band. Students receive group instruction on their chosen instrument for the full year and give several all-school performances. Students in the upper school have the opportunity to join the string orchestra on violin, viola, cello, or upright bass, and the repertoire ranges from Baroque and Classical chamber works to modern compositions. In the lower school, students begin to build their singing skills with games that teach them to learn to listen, count rhythm, and control their breathing. Students in the younger grades sing in grade-level groups, while students in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades can join the multi-grade upper school chorus. Students learn to read music, sing harmonies and solos, experiment with call and response singing, compose their own music and arrangements, and perform for the school.