Students may bring laptop computers or tablets, but their use on school days is restricted to academic purposes. Each dorm has computers that can be used to allow video chatting or emailing. Access to some social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat is restricted to ninth graders, however, and dependent on responsible use. Additionally, the use of video and computer games is allowed, however, the rating on the must be PG-13 or below (parental permission required for students under 13 to watch the PG-13 as well) and the rating on the game must be E for Everyone.
While we encourage our boarders to be in regular contact with home, we are also trying to promote independence, responsibility and presence to others in the boarding community. Therefore, we strive to maintain reasonable limits regarding the use of technology for communication and entertainment purposes. For this reason, access to devices such as cell phones or iPhones, or any device that allows access to the internet, will be restricted to specific times and public spaces. All technologies are locked up each night before lights out in the technology cabinet in each dorm. If a student enjoys listening to music at bedtime, he or she will need to have a simple music player such as an iPod Shuffle or other basic music device. Nothing with a screen will be allowed in the room after lights out. We appreciate your understanding and support as we try to help our boarders learn to responsibly use technology.