Annual Fund
Bement provides the setting in which students develop a sense of wonder, compassion, curiosity, and creative drive - the foundations of a bright future. It is the combination of talented faculty and staff and engaged community that keeps the unique magic of Bement alive. Bement depends on tuition income and Annual Fund donations to provide for our student programs. Annual fund dollars are used in every area of each student’s experience at Bement, including:
- faculty professional development
- arts, music, and drama
- physical education and athletics
- healthy snacks and meals
- health services
- field trips
- mini-term learning
- classroom supplies
Endowments and Similar Funds
Bement is fortunate to receive generous gifts to endowed funds each year. Income from these hallmarked funds not only strengthen our operating budget, but provide donors the option of designating their contributions to areas of specific interest, or in memory or in honor of a person or family.
If you are interested in making a donation to one of our endowed funds contact the Alumni & Development Office at 413-774-3201.
The funds listed below illustrate a vivid diversity of programmatic funding.
- Bartlett/Drexler Scholarship Fund
- Beebe Memorial Fund
- The Bement School Bridge Grant
- Clagett Professional Development Fund
- Nancy and Peter Drake Scholarship Fund
- Fox Family Scholarship Fund
- Virginia Honnold Houck GP’96 Piano Preservation Fund
- Library Endowment Fund
- James Mullins Athletics Fund
- O’Hare Scholarship Fund
- Carole Pennock Lower School Fund
- Phillips Scholarship Fund
- The Nancy Pond P'89 '95 World Language Fund
- Reader's Digest Scholarship Fund
- Siguler Family Fund
- Timothy C. Young '61 Fund
Bartlett/Drexler Scholarship Fund
Beebe Memorial Fund
The Bement School Bridge Grant
Clagett Professional Development Fund
Nancy and Peter Drake Scholarship Fund
Fox Family Scholarship Fund
Virginia Honnold Houck GP’96 Piano Preservation Fund
Library Endowment Fund
James Mullins Athletics Fund
O’Hare Scholarship Fund
Carole Pennock Lower School Fund
Phillips Scholarship Fund
The Nancy Pond P'89 '95 World Language Fund
Reader's Digest Scholarship Fund
Siguler Family Fund
Timothy C. Young '61 Fund
How to Give
We accept cash, check, credit card, matching gifts, bequests, and gifts of securities.
You may make your gift OnLine
Checks may be made out and mailed to:
The Bement School
PO Box 8
Deerfield, MA 01342
Please make a note of the fund with your donation.
Procedures for Gifts of Securities
For questions contact:
Sara Ardrey, Director of Alumni and Development